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ISBN: 978-601-382-030-9
Категория:Ақпараттық технологиялар, автоматтандыру, компьютерлік ілімдер, жүйелік инженерия
Авторлар: Yesmakhanova Laura
The scientific work presents diagnostic methods, primarily using a multi-channel fiber-optic flame monitoring system developed at the Department of Electronics of the Lublin University of Technology. This system allows flame monitoring in selected zones. It also shows the application of diagnostics of the above conditions, first during combustion of coal dust, and then during combustion of a mixture consisting of 90% coal dust and 10% biomass. A fuzzy neural network is used as a classifier. The relevance of the study is the co-combustion process, which provides reliable adaptive control using optical signals. The reliability and scientific validity of the research results in a peer-reviewed monograph is ensured by the compliance of the research methodology with the problem posed. The monograph is recommended for use in the educational process for educational programs 7M07117 - "Automation and Control", 8D07101 - Automation and Control.