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ISBN: 978- 601-08-0858-4
Категория:Педагогика, мектепке дейінгі білім беру, әлеуметтану, мәдениеттану
Авторлар: Zhienbayeva S. N. Syzdykbaeva A.D. Tyan V.D
The textbook reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the logical and mathematical development of preschoolers. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the methodology are presented from the perspective of the organization of subject-subject interaction between children and adults and a system-activity approach to the mathematical education of a child. The textbook is intended for students of the classification of the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences, fully complies with the State mandatory standard of higher education in the training field 6B012 Pedagogy of preschool education and training.