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ISBN: 978-601-09-6663-5
Категория:Педагогика, мектепке дейінгі білім беру, әлеуметтану, мәдениеттану
Авторлар: Satybaldiyeva A.B.
The textbook contains recommendations on the use of active reading methods, such as annotating texts, highlighting key points using Freytag’s pyramid, compiling summaries and analyzing the text. This helps students to comprehend and argue their perceptions of the works. The textbook promotes the study of writers' styles, the study of the themes and motivation of the characters, as well as the analysis of the artistic expressiveness of texts. This develops the skills of critical thinking and analytical work with text. The textbook presents tasks that promote interactive discussion of texts, exchange of opinions and reflection on what has been read. This contributes to the development of communication and analytical skills.